Panoramic view of Noboleis Vineyards

We visited Noboleis Vineyards in Augusta, Missouri this past weekend and tasted their wine. We loved the rolling hills of Augusta, Missouri that surround Noboleis. Below is a photo recap.

It started with a wine tasting with Vickie, who loved to tease our friend Kevin. The four of us came into agreement that we liked the Norton Reserve the best. I was surprised that Noboleis actually decanted the wine before giving us the bottle, since most wineries don’t.

Decanter at Noboleis Vineyards

Below is the tree that is featured on their wine labels:

Noboleis Vineyards Tree

My friend Amanda with the Norton Reserve:


This tree sign cracked me up. One of the workers said people were having a little too much wine and climbing on it!

Funny Tree Sign

We came back in to order half a case for home and man, it got packed:

Crowd at Noboleis Vineyards

One other cool thing about how they serve their red wines. If serving by the glass the use an aerator on the end of the bottle:

Aerator at Noboleis Vineyards

And another tree shot:

Tree at Noboleis Vineyards

Look for wine reviews of Noboleis Vineyards in the future!

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